
You might have seen the poster about Computer programming on the IB board (and other places). Let me introduce you what it is going to be about!

The idea of this project is to create a group of students interested in programming, mathematics, computer science, etc, and allow them to discuss the current technologies, attend lectures about different programming languages (including cool stuff in math), and investigate related topics (and present them in the group).

There is a big benefit for current IB12 to join this group, as it will count as Creativity (to attend the meetings) and Service (when you talk in front of others about something that you like).

I will encourage everyone to practice on presenting different topics in front of others in a group, as it is an important skill in many fields!

I hope this short summary has given you some introduction, however, if you would get any question, please always ask me (contact here)!

Hope to see you in the Villa on Thursday (19/9) 5:00 pm! 🙂

Best wishes,

Artem Los (IB11)