This tutorial will show you how you can encrypt/decrypt text (string) with Java Script or JScript.

First we need a table, even called for matrix. To create a matrix I chose to combine three array-lists into one single. (Note that it also works without the combining of arrays!)

        //generating 3 arrays
        var _matrixA = new Array();
        var _matrixB = new Array();
        var _matrixC = new Array();
        var _mA, _mB;

        _matrixA = new Array("A", "", "", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H");   // 0
        _matrixB = new Array("I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R"); // 1
        _matrixC = new Array("S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ".", "/"); // 2

        //assign values of columns
        _mA = 1;
        _mB = 2;

        //combining matrix
        var _matrix = new Array(_matrixA, _matrixB, _matrixC); //this is the table, to get data, use _matrix[x][y]

Encryption Method:

        // Encryption method
        function encrypt(_text) {
        	var _returnVal = "";
            for (i = 0; i < _text.length; i++) {

                if (_matrixA.indexOf(_text.charAt(i)) != -1) {

                    _returnVal += (_matrixA.indexOf(_text.charAt(i)));

                if (_matrixB.indexOf(_text.charAt(i)) != -1) {
                    _returnVal += (_mA); //default 1
                    _returnVal += (_matrixB.indexOf(_text.charAt(i)));

                if (_matrixC.indexOf(_text.charAt(i)) != -1) {
                    _returnVal += (_mB); //default 2
                    _returnVal += (_matrixC.indexOf(_text.charAt(i)));


            return _returnVal;


Decryption Method:

        // Decryption Method
        function decrypt(_text)
        	var _returnVal = "";
        	for (i=0; i < _text.length; i++)
        		if (_text.charAt(i) != _mA || _text.charAt(i) != _mB )//the char has to be in 'first' matrix, _matrixA
        			_returnVal += _matrixA[_text.charAt(i)];

        		if (_text.charAt(i) == _mA) //the char has to be in 'secend' matrix, _matrixB
        			_returnVal += _matrixB[_text.charAt(i)];

        		if (_text.charAt(i) == _mB) //the char has to be in 'third' matrix, _matrixC
        			_returnVal += _matrixC[_text.charAt(i)];


        	return _returnVal;

Copyright (C) 2011 Artem Los