On CliZ Ware you can have files (just for developing purposes). If you make something good you may get an own sub domain at clizware! Please send an email to support@clizware.net if you wish to get some free space! Currently we have a good website to show which reserve a sub domain at clizware.net! http://gerswat.clizware.net/is the website i’m talking about.

Why should you develop on clizware?

You will have access to create own php files which you can do very much cool things! Please take a look over the PHP language and try to learn it!

The good resource is these official website http://php.net. But I recommend you to learn from this http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp resource first, the you can continue learning by the web. When you have to look up some functions I still recommend you http://php.net. If you wish to have some database to experiment with I can create one, just say It.

Now It’s all! Thanks for reading!

Regads, Artem Los (artem.los@nilssons.ws)