Artem's blog

Mainly .NET (C#, ASP.NET) and my projects

Archives for Old blog

About the spam issue

Dear Guest!

Yesterday, some changed were done at this blog. From today, there will be CAPTCHA control each time you write a comment. Of cause, there are other changes as well,
but this is the main one.


MsgBox function for C#

        void MsgBox(string _text,string _title = "Message Box")
            //my msgbox. from Visual Basic .NET!!!
            MessageBox.Show(_text,_title );

SKBL [2009]

Three years ago, I did one of my first project that is used to secure .NET Applications. It is called SKBL – Serial Key Builder Library. It works in both Visual Basic and C#.

You may download it here! (The documentaion file is included.)
SKBL Setup

If you have some questions, please ask me at “artem.los at”

Happy New Year!
Artem Los.

Tip of 22 December

In this thread I will show you two good Java Script functions. With both of them you can calculate how many chars you have.

The first one will calculate a specific element.

function calcspec(element)
	if (element.innerHTML != "")  // this function must be first!
		return element.innerHTML.length;

	if (element.value.length > 0)
		return element.value.length;


The second one will calculate all chars between HTML tags. HTML tags are not included.

function calcall(tag)
	return document.documentElement.innerHTML.length;


function calchtml()
	return document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].innerHTML.length;


You might however replace innerHTML to outerHTML as shown bellow. This will therefore calculate all document. (does not work in Firefox)

function calcall(tag)
	return document.documentElement.outerHTML.length;
function calchtml()
	return document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].outerHTML.length;

Encrypter [outdate]

This is my old project done in 2010 at a school as a part of another project
This program might be used for encrypting some “text”, so the algorithm is much the same as in my old post Another example of an encryption algorithm [JS]. Please ignore this (cliz) converter, it is for my old program CliZ Writer!

Download it here: Encrypter

Another example of an encryption algorithm [JS]

In this post I will go through a simple encryption method I’ve done few years ago. It is actually so simple, but I’ve heard that some currently-used encryption algorithms are based on this principle.

Here is the code: (function “ec_t” – encryption method; function “dc_t” – decryption method)

 * Sample encryption and
 * decryption by Artem Los

    function ec_t(t, key) {
        var c = "";
        var d = "";
        var _key2 = StringToAsc(key);
        var e = genKey(_key2 , t.length);
        var _keyA =  new String (key.length);

        for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {

            var _def_t = eval(t.charCodeAt(i));
            var _def_e = eval(e.charAt(i));
            var _def_a = eval(_keyA.charAt(0));

            c = _def_e + _def_t +_def_a;
            d += String.fromCharCode (c);

        return d;

    function genKey(key, l) {
        var _vectorA = key;
        while (_vectorA.length < l) {
            _vectorA += _vectorA;
        return _vectorA;
    function StringToAsc(text) {
        var _vectorA = "";

        for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
            _vectorA +=  text.charCodeAt(i);
        return _vectorA;

    function dc_t(t, key) {
        var c = "";
        var d = "";
        var _key2 = StringToAsc(key);
        var _keyA = new String(key.length);
        var e = genKey(_key2, t.length);

        for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {

            c = t.charCodeAt(i) - e.charAt(i) - _keyA.charAt (0);
            d +=  String.fromCharCode (c);
        return d;


    function do_e() {

        var _vecB = unescape (  in01.value);
        var _passA = pass.value;

        if (_passA != "") {
            if (ra01.checked == true) {
                var _vecC = ec_t(_vecB, _passA );
                in02.value = escape ( _vecC);

            else {
                    var _vecC = dc_t(_vecB , _passA);
                    in02.value = _vecC;

If you want to view this code in-work, enter the link below:

Why and how did it work?
The code above works on a simple principle, I discovered it without looking at internet, though! 😛

Say we have a table where all letters have an id, i.e., a number. The table looks as follows: A-1, B-2, C-3 …
First of all, we need to define our message, say we have “BAC” corresponding to “213”.
Then we need a key, say “CBA” – “321”. (it is in the same format as the message).

B(2) A(1) C(3)
C(3) B(2) A(1)
D(4) C(3) E(5)

The result is therefore 435 or DCE. When we decrypt we have to do the same but backwards, using the key, i.e., instead of addition use subtraction.

This is done with function “ec_t” and “dc_t”.
If the message is longer than the key, then we need to duplicate the key so it matches the message length. All that is done in function “getKey”.

It is better that you use function “do_e” instead of “ec_t”, because then all letters will go through a escape function, which means that the text will be more copy-friendly, i.e., easier to copy without missing some letters which can affect the result.

Good luck!

HTML Encryptor 1.00

Today, a new release is available at CliZ Ware. It is a html encryption software that might be used to encrypt your web-pages. As I wrote in my previous post, there is a question of time how long it might take to crack this code.

However, you might use this software, but, the banner that is inside all pages should stay, so, do not remove it please! This is currently a free software, may it will be a shareware, I do not know.

Download by clicking here
Encryption of a file sample

HTML Encryptor

Create a HTML document

CliZ HTML Editor

Today, I would like to present the latest realize at CliZ Ware. It is a HTML editor that
can handle both html, css, and java script. Although it cannot compile served based languages such as PHP, ASP, it has a great feature – direct view changes of the html source.

This html editor is only for experimenting i.e. it is not for designing something. You may use it only in non-commercial ways i.e. you are not allowed to use it for some kind of business/profit purpose.

This editor will soon be available as an offline html source. Please remember, this software is copyrighted by Artem Los,
which means that all credits should go to the author!

You can access the editor here:

Good Luck!
Artem Los

Tips of 23 November [JS]

So, today I will show some useful codes that might be used for protecting information with Java Script.

1. First of all, the most common protection method is to disable the right-clicking, i.e. disallow user to copy stuff from a webpage.

    * This script is create by Artem Los
    * Copyright (C) Artem Los, All rights reserved
    * You may use this code in commercial and
    * personal usage. You have no rights to
    * sell this code.
    * NOTE: Author must have credits for this code.

    var r = "True";
    var text = "This site is protected!";

function IE(e) {
    if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
        if (event.button == "2" || event.button == "3") {
             return false;
function NS(e) {
    if (document.layers || document.getElementById && !document.all) {
        if (e.which == "2" || e.which == "3") {
        else if (e.which == "1") {
        if (r == "True") { return false; }
    return false;

document.onselectstart = new Function('if(r=="True"){return false;}');document.onmousedown = IE;document.onmouseup = NS;document.oncontextmenu = new Function("return false");

So, by using the code above you can be ensured that your information is safe at a basic level. It can still be taken by looking at the source, and copying it therefrom.
I will try to publish another code that actually protects the whole website, but remember that even though you got your page encrypted, it might still be cracked. Like with all kinds of protections, it is all about the time!

2. Another tip that I will talk about is links. It is so often that robots takes the, for instance, email address, and use it for spamming. However, we may solve this issue! Here I’ve got to methods that may help you to protect your links.

    * This script is create by Artem Los
    * Copyright (C) Artem Los, All rights reserved
    * You may use this code in commercial and
    * personal usage. You have no rights to
    * sell this code.
    * NOTE: Author must have credits for this code.

    var AllLinks = new Array();
    AllLinks[0] = "";
function email(x) {

    if (x != "" || "undefined") {
        window.location = AllLinks [x];
        var a = document.getElementById("elink" + x);

    else {
        alert("This link does not exist!");

In the body of the page, enter:

<a href ="#" onclick ="email(0);" id="elink1">Link</a>

To improve this code, you can for example encrypt the link. I would recommend the escape/unescape function, but It actually does not matter. Once again, it’s all about the time.

The second method is not so useful, though. It is only working in Internet Explorer, and it have actually now function, just to hide the status bar.

    * This script is create by Artem Los
    * Copyright (C) Artem Los, All rights reserved
    * You may use this code in commercial and
    * personal usage. You have no rights to
    * sell this code.
    * NOTE: Author must have credits for this code.

    window.defaultStatus = "All links are protected";
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