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Last week I wanted to get my product’s logotype on a T-Shirt, in order to promote it, and, because all other T-Shirts you can find in stores have very random images. As it is always better when the picture is somehow connected to something you like, I decided to order a test-print, which looks very good!
Photos made by Taisa Tregubova (my grandma)
Listings is a very good LaTeX package if you want to implement python, or any other code into your document. However, when I was installing the package, I constantly got the error that “listings.sty” is missing, despite MiKTeX downloading it for me. The solution to this problem is straightforward:
Today, I visited a ship that is currently being used by Roscosmos, the Russian space agency. Although this time I did not enter the actual ship, as I know, it is used to communicate with ISS, however, it operates from a stationary position located in Kaliningrad.
The history of rockets science interests me a lot, and therefore, I have written one work about the soviet perspective. My mam was a collector of postmarks, so I scanned some of the postmarks that are about space. (you can also download them from
Below, a picture of Cosmonaut Victor Patsayev.
It is really cool to have hedgehogs in my garden, and I think they appreciate this as well as they get cat food every day. It appears to be a very big family, approx 3-4 kids and one mother. The mother has an interesting behaviour as it is eating up all the food. It might be milking them, but the kids eat the food as well, so I do not know. It is very strange, but the ma seems to be keeping everything by herself.
Recently, I asked my grandmother about her thoughts about the technological development since her youth in the USSR and now. She said it has change a lot, as when she went to school, there were no calculators, however, as her mother (my great-grandmother) did some calculations at home, she brought a mechanical device, which you needed to turn around in order to calculate something. Later on, at the university, grandma got a special card that you could use to calculate stuff on a machine that was as big as an entire room from her friend with a phrase on the back side.
To Taisa (grandma) as a memory of the spirit of modernism.
After some time, these machines got smaller, and finally reached the current personal computers. Even in my mind, since I started to use a computer, I began to use Windows XP (once I got the permission to use it), I have experienced a technological development as well. Windows XP is probably the OS I have used most of the time; I never changed to Vista. When I was writing this post, I was using Windows 8.
Other programs like Microsoft Office and Visual Studio have changed several times. Below, some stuff I found that reminds me about the past.
Today I received my new Office 2013, but this version is Home & Student. The reason why I did not buy Office 360 University is because it would stop working after 4 years, and I really wanted to buy a product and not a subscription. Office 360 has many good features, for instance the ability to upgrade the office when a new release arrives, and it is possible to install it on more computers. However, I am currently only using my Lenovo Yoga 13 laptop, so I only need one single copy + SkyDrive (which is included).
I also found that this time I do not need to use any CD to install it, as it is now linked to a Microsoft account. This is very cool, as my laptop does not have CD/DVD reader. Below, I included the picture of my package.
Today our group received twice as much students in comparison to yesterday. This was a bit stressful, as I had already set up a plan for some students. Hence, I tried to provide my new students with the material I already had and it appeared they found it interesting. My day was as following:
We did not have time to do that much because of the test, so tomorrow we are going to spend even more time on studying (it is raining tomorrow)!!!
Below, some pictures from my notes on the board:
Since the last week I have participated in a project arranged by AIK to provide assistance for year 8-9 students in the core subjects, i.e. English, Swedish and Mathematics. I have of course chosen English as that is one of my best subjects so far! We started by giving them a test that I to some extent constructed, and after that we interviewed them. I participated in the interview as well, and during that interview I met individuals from various backgrounds.
I have created a category on this blog, so if you prefer to view posts regarding this activity, please add this link to your bookmarks.
All posts in this category are going to convey the experience gained so I recommend you to follow the step above, i.e. add it to your bookmarks! 🙂
I was going through my computer and found some booklets I have done during the Swedish school in year 8-9. These exercises have since then not been modified, and they were not marked as I did them because I wanted to!
To be honest, I was more productive when writing school stuff during my first year in Katedralskolan, Uppsala, so I will upload those documents soon! 🙂
The test result on the physics test encouraged me to focus on definitions of simple concepts and, of course, on a deeper understanding of them. Therefore, I got two new books which will hopefully help. The one I am focusing on right now is the textbook(2nd editions, 2012), as I need it for the lab rapport (it explains everything very well). The second book (the study guide, 2nd edition, 2012) is by one of the authors of the textbook will serve as a revision guide for each chapter. Reading the textbook will be one of the tasks for the summer, although my Extended Essay and my other projects are important as well.